Ploychonpoo Kruathorn
Professional Massage Therapy


Welcome to Thai Massage. If you’re looking for a professional Thai Massage, you’ve come to the right place. I am trained in a variety of modalities, and you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work.


Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment and also answer any questions you might have.


Relax With Us

Treat yourself into a peaceful Thai Massage session in the heart of SILICON VALLEY.                        We offer traditional Thai Massage services for general health and well-being in a relaxing, authentic Thai Environment. Services include Therapeutic Thai Massage , Hot Stone Treatment, Deep Tissue and Swedish.


Thai Massage Benefits

1. It helps you sleep better

2. It boosts your Energy levels

3. It relieves your Headaches

4. It stimulates your Blood Circulation

5. It improves your Joints Flexibility


Thai Massage is specializes in massage therapy for injuries and pain and solutions focuses on soft tissue massage techniques that enable the body to heal from stress , injury and pain. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, facsia are integral to our comfort and mobility. When they are injured or out of balance due to injury, stress overuse/underuse, or repetitive work, they can become tight and causes reduced circulation in the muscle cells causes the fibers to adhere together that form a "knot"


Benefits of this specialized focused massage therapy techique include:

  • Releases Fascia
  • Realigns Muscle Fibers
  • Manipulates Scar Tissue and Adhesions
  • Speeds Healing
  • Increases Circulation 
  • Reduces Pain
  • Restores Elasticity in the Muscle Fibers


What to expect:

The first session will include a longer whole body assessment which includes client history, client goals, postural and diagnostic tests to determine which muscles to target.

A strategic plan will be developed to determine the course of action best for you. Subsequent visits will include a short assessment, the treatment and a reassessment. Depending on the issue the frequency of visits may be high at first and then reduced as needed according to the progress. Issues that have been there for weeks , months or even years will take time and effort to correct.